12v 100w GY6.35 64625 12v 100w GY6.35 64625
4.5 stars - "Review for 12v 100w GY6.35 64625" This 12v 100w GY6.35 64625 is the best Support Products I have tried.
  • 12v 100w GY6.35 64625 - Image 1
  • 12v 100w GY6.35 64625 - Image 1

12v 100w GY6.35 64625

Product ID: FCR
Brand: Ashton

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Various Brands
12v  100w  GY6.35   64625

Lamp Information
Color Temperature 3200
CRI 99
Base GY6.35
Initial Lumens2900
AVG Life (Hours) 
Light Center Length (LCL) 30.00mm
Max. Overall Length (MOL) 44.50mm
LIF CodeA1/125 
Code FCR


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